January 10, 2012

I Believe in Making Goals

I like to make goals for the new year.  In the past, I have had varying rates of success and completion, but my success is greater when the goals are recorded; in a planner, on an electronic notepad, the wall...somewhere unavoidable.  Since paper is now considered dated methodology for organizing life, I thought maybe this blog could keep me honest in 2012:
  1. make a business or organization plan (even if it's a rough draft...wouldn't it be amazing to build something productive on my own??)
  2. make a patio herb garden (it bugs me to pay dollars for bunches of fresh herbs...it would be much better to have pots of herbs at the ready on the patio)
  3. exercise at least 30 mins 3x a week (all 52 weeks, with the only excuse being out-of-town or physical inability due to illness etc...shameful that this seems hard to fit in)
  4. get a tattoo (been thinking about it for a couple of years, and it's not going away, so I think it's time)
  5. put down roots (hopefully no moving in 2012, and hopefully a purchase of some land or a property that we hope to have in our life for some years)
I feel like I have been making tangible goal lists forever, but I when I looked back through my old planners, I realized that is not true.  Here are some bits that I did find though, representing a range of ambition levels and a lifetime of feeling curious about everything:

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