The hardest thing for me so far in the baby adventure has been to find a balance between all things baby and all other things. I am clearly only one of millions to lament this challenge.
Prior to our son, I had unscheduled, low-pressure, not-so-career-path days. I've always been good at entertaining myself. I'm pretty sure the last time I felt bored was sometime in 2008. Now, almost three months after his birth, I have to admit to harboring a little envy towards my friends who have jobs that they really value. I expected motherhood to feel like an extension of my happy-at-home feeling, but I'm not sure if that is how it's turning out. Our son is a sweet and lovely little boy, and I am beyond grateful to have the time to invest in his well-being, but my crafty creative urges and goals feel like they are withering on the vine and it worries me. I even miss cooking, which is surprising.
One of my favorite resources on parenting so far is a book a read called
Bringing Up Bébé. I initially read this book before I was sure I wanted to have a baby, because it sounded interesting. It was a great read, both before and during pregnancy. It is funny, clear-eyed, culturally relevant, and well-written; truly an honest take on parenting, for Americans not just in France, but anywhere. I just finished reading it for a third time right now, in-between nursing sessions, diaper changes, and hastily knit rows, to scan for any techniques that might help us remain calm and level-headed through the newborn grind. Maybe it's a coincidence, but in my opinion, a few tidbits that I reviewed last week helped us achieve our first full nights of infant sleep since we brought the baby home from the hospital.